Friday, July 30, 2010

Healing taking over?

So, to start this story, I guess I need to start from the beginning like any story should be started.

This last Sunday I was ninja invited by one of my guild officers into 25-man ICC. Great, right? Well, not exactly, because he needed DPS, and although I was in possession of a DPS spec on my pally, I had little gear and no experience for it. (Side note, I was farming and my hearth was on CD, so the little gear I had was temporarily inaccessible) I went anyway, because I figured that I might be able to get carried through Marrowgar, and manage to not look like a total fool. I wanted that damn rep and those 2 Frosties that Marrowgar would drop. Well, long story short, we wiped on the opening trash a couple of times (not a complete, everyone's dead wipe, because we ran back to the safe area) and then proceded to wipe on Marrowgar like 3 times before everyone called it a night. After that experience, I jumped over to my druid to heal a quick dungeon so I could feel a little better and I had a genious idea while I was in there. I had recently been getting tired of being the tank for everything because PUG's always like to blame tanks and my repair bills were completely depleting me of money. I went back to the pally and started asking the members of the guild that were still online about what they thought would be more useful for the guild and in general, me working on my 2nd spec DPS, or swapping that spec for holy and working up my own little pally healer. (Another side note, I didn't manage to realize that the 3 people I was discussing this with were all main spec healers....can you say biased?) So I went ahead and did it, I plunked down 15 gold to respec my 2nd spec, and researched what gear I could manage out of my reputations which have been flying toward exalted recently. About 1,000 gold and much switching one new item for another new item when I discovered and easy to get (without dungeons) upgrade, I had myself my very first serious attempt at being a pally healer. :)

Well, in an attempt to shorten the story a little bit, to recap the last couple days now, I've managed to get lucky and have a 4 day weekend from work (and I only go back for 2 and have 3 more off) and I've healed like 12 or 13 heroics with my newly christened Healadin and I absolutely, completely love it!!

The name of my blog will remain Tank and Heal, but it's got me wondering if I'm even gonna do much tanking anymore because all the shit I used to take while tanking hasn't happened at all. The worst I've had is when the game elected to say, "hey, you've had a nice high gear-score(tanking), so let's make the random dungeon finder allow you into the ICC 5-mans"...those are still above my gear and experience level for healing, but I've managed everything else without problems. I used to like the idea of being the guy that goes in there, walks straight up to the big bad boss, and says "hey bitch, look at me, /dance"....but there's a certain, impossible to put my finger on, thing about knowing that the only reason the OTHER guy can do that and not die, is because of my quick thinking, large mana pool, and ways to thwart all the great ideas that these big bad bosses come up with.

Oh, and I have no intentions of dropping my tree-in-training...that mofo will be 80 before cata comes out (I hope) and is already poised to go with a good friend and pick back up an idle guild we started ages ago to see if we can make a raiding guild out of our old casual friendly guild.

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